
TEEDA CRICKET MB-400 monoblock electronic flash [Lighting]

TEEDA CRICKET MB-400 モノブロックストロボ。いつ買ったか不明だが、2008年7月には所有していた。今ではプロ機材社の製品を通販サイトで買うこともできるが、当時は新宿ショールームに行って買った。そのショールームも今は銀座に移転している。
当時持っていた大光量のストロボはMINICAM SC-150で、GNが65、240Wsぐらいだ。チャージに10秒くらいかかった。フィルムカメラの時はこれで十分であった。しかしデジカメを使うようになるとチャージ時間の短いものが必要となったが、プロ用のストロボはいずれも高価で手がでなかった。

TEEDA CRICKET MB-400 monoblock electronic flash. It's unsure when bought, but in July 2008 it was owned.Although now can also buy purokizai's products in the Shopping website, I bought to go to Shinjuku showroom at that time. The showroom also now has relocated to Ginza.
Large quantity of electronic flash that I owned at the time is MINICAM SC-150, and it's GN is 65, and output is 240Ws. It took about 10 seconds to that of the charge. This was sufficient when the film camera. But when it comes to digital cameras, but his need something shorter charge time, electronic flash for professional was both expensive.
At that time, I found by chance the MB-400. In which the body and the light-emitting part are integrated, output is 400Ws, GN is about 90, light intensity can be adjusted steplessly to 1/64, the charge time is 1.8 seconds. Charge time is faster if lowering the amount of light. Cooling fan is built, it is equipped with protection against overheating. In light amount 1/16, after the light-emitting continuously about 200 frames in 2-second intervals, there is that it will not emit light to prevent overheating.

Control panel in the body

Light-emitting portion and the modeling light

TEEDA CRICKET MB-400を使った写真。シャンソンライブのフライヤー用に撮影。
Photos using TEEDA CRICKET MB-400. Photos taken for the flyer of chanson Live.
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