
Kenko PRO 1 D PRO SOFTON A (W) [Filter]

ケンコーのフィルター Kenko PRO 1 D PRO SOFTON A (W)。メーカーのホームページによれば、弱いソフト効果が得られ、天体写真にも使えるとある。星がにじんで大きく写る。買ったばかりで、まだ使っていない。フィルターの表面には不規則な模様が見られる。

Kenko filter PRO 1 D PRO SOFTON A (W). According to the manufacturer's website, weak soft effects are obtained, and it can be used for celestial photography. The light of the star gets blurred and looks big. I just bought it, I have not used it yet. Irregular patterns are seen on the surface of the filter.



Bleeding of light into the dark area can be seen.
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ND filter for solar photography MARUMI DHG ND-100000 [Filter]

このMARUMI DHG ND-100000は、2012年5月21日の金環日食の撮影用に買ったもの。今の時点で、メーカーのホームページには製品情報が掲載されていないが、販売店では取り扱っている。

Left is a variable ND filter with 1/2 the light intensity. Compared with this, ND - 100000 is hardly transmitting light.


The sun shot on March 25, 2012. Black spots are taken.

On May 21, 2012, the beginning of annular solar eclipse.
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Nikon circular polarizing filter 72 mm and lens hood Nikon HN - 13 [Filter]

ニコン円偏光フィルター72mmとレンズフードNikon HN-13。古いモデルの円偏光フィルターで、広角レンズでもケラレないようフィルターの径が大きめになっている。発売時期を調べたがわからない。

Nikon circular polarizing filter 72 mm and lens hood Nikon HN - 13. It is a circular polarizing filter of the old model and the diameter of the filter is larger so as not to vignet even with a wide angle lens. I searched for the release time but I do not know.
HN - 13 is a hood dedicated to this filter and can be used for lenses with a focal length of 135 mm or more.
Recent circularly polarized light filters are located in the back of the hood, but with this filter you can adjust the effect by rotating the hood, which is easy to use.


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Nikon circular polarization filter 62 mm and lens hood Nikon HN-26 [Filter]

ニコン円偏光フィルター62mmとレンズフードNikon HN-26。古いモデルの円偏光フィルターで、広角レンズでもケラレないようフィルターの径が大きめになっている。発売時期を調べたがわからない。

Nikon circular polarization filter 62 mm and lens hood Nikon HN - 26. It is a circular polarizing filter of the old model and the diameter of the filter is larger so as not to vignet even with a wide angle lens. I searched for the release time but I do not know.
HN - 26 is a hood dedicated to this filter, it can be used for lenses with a focal length of 70 mm or more. When the hood is split, it can be used with a focal length of 35 mm or more. HN - 26 is still being sold.
Recent circularly polarized light filters are located in the back of the hood, but with this filter you can adjust the effect by rotating the hood, which is easy to use.


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MARUMI DHG Circular P.L.D & DHG Super Circular P.L.D [Filter]

Circular polarization filter made by MARUMI. With a circular polarizing filter, you can adjust the reflection of the surface of dark blue sky blue, leaves of trees, water surface, glass surface and so on. In the landscape the effect is great in the 90 degree direction with the sun.

As shown in the photograph, when the angle of polarization is set at a right angle, the transmission of light is the least.
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Ultra low reflection lens protection filter was released from Nikon. It is explained that the single-sided reflectance has been brought close to about 0.1%. Until now, I have purchased a filter just for the protection of the lens, but considering the creation of the photograph, I think that this filter is useful because I often put the sun in the photograph.
The blue reflection in front is the light bulb of the lighting reflected on the lens surface.


Lens filter [Filter]


The lens filters which I was using with a film camera about 40 years ago came out with room cleaning.
From the left of the photo, UV, B12, DUTO, YA3. At that time, I used Nikon F2 mainly, the lens was purchased unified with a filter diameter of 52 mm. Besides this, I used polarizing filter.
The B12 filter is for correcting the yellowish tinge to the natural color when taking a tungsten type positive color film with natural light, but it was also used to use the daylight type film for blue tinge.
I think that YA3 filter used black and white film to increase contrast, but I remember that it was also used to emphasize orange color in evening sky with color film.
The DUTO filter is a colorless glass with concentric scratches on it, and the soft focus filter is said to have the weakest effect. Bright light spreads and blurs, rather than focusing ambiguously makes me feel soft while focusing. I often used it to take portraits.
Sometimes I used a soft focus filter by blowing cigarette smoke between two UV filters.

From the left, UV, B12, DUTO, YA3.

Concentric scratches on the glass surface.

可変NDフィルター Variable Neutral Density Filter [Filter]


Because I want to shoot a night scene for a long time exposure, I purchased a variable neutral density filter. The principle is to adjust the permeability of light by changing the crossing angle of the two polarizing filters. Japanese-made filters are expensive, because it is not worth the frequency of use, I bought an inexpensive Chinese-made. Darkness that can be adjusted's 2 to 400 times, but do not know the exact permeability. Brighten most of the filter, and adjust the focus, then rotate up to the prescribed at the time of shooting, but there is no easy identification memory on this product. In dark places, it is necessary to illuminate the filter in such a flashlight of mobile phone.

Variable Neutral Density Filter

Eitai Bridge. 30 seconds exposure. Behind the scenes I was shooting, two foreigner were drinking wine. Houseboat leave 30 seconds trail.

Nihonbashi Kitazume intersection. 30 seconds exposure. Figure of person it would disappear or semi-transparent.
